Visit this news! MA Italy - Slovenia with Martha Gärber (MA Italy-Austria) and Commissioner Elisa Ferreira MA Italy - Slovenia with Martha Gärber (MA Italy-Austria) and Commissioner Elisa Ferreira Workshop on cross-border transport Workshop on cross-border transport Networking lunch Networking lunch ARIEM+ project to coordinate and train civil protection groups between Spain and Portugal ARIEM+ project to coordinate and train civil protection groups between Spain and Portugal Study visit ARIEM+, mobile crisis unit Study visit ARIEM+, mobile crisis unit Laura Comelli and Aljoša Sosol at the ARIEM+ Study visit Laura Comelli and Aljoša Sosol at the ARIEM+ Study visit MA at the Networking dinner (from left: Chiara Vecchiato, Laura Comelli, Aljoša Sosol) MA at the Networking dinner (from left: Chiara Vecchiato, Laura Comelli, Aljoša Sosol) Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira Exchange of ideas on Interreg cooperation Exchange of ideas on Interreg cooperation Previous Next