In this section you will find contacts of the authorities and structures of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme.


Managing Authority

Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Regione - Central Directorate for Finance - Accounting Unit

Via del Lavatoio 1 - 34132 Trieste, Italia -

Laura Comelli -

Managing Authority staff:

Support for the Managing authority

Certified e-mail (PEC):

For the submission of applications, declarations, data and the exchange of information and documents, the PEC addresses used for formal communications by the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat:


Audit Authority

The bodies designated to carry out the audit tasks are:

For the Republic of Italy:

Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region - Presidency of the Region - Directorate General - Audit Service

Via Montesanto 17, 34170 Gorizia, Italia -

For the Republic of Slovenia:

Republic of Slovenia - Ministry of Finance - Budget Supervision Office

Fajfarjeva 33, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia -


The Audit Authority will be assisted by a Group of Auditors.



Accounting function Body

Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region - Central Directorate for Finance - Tributes - Fiscal Fulfilments, Personnel and EU Programming Expenditure Documents Control Office

Corso Cavour 1 - 34132 Trieste, Italia


Joint Secretariat

Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Regione - Central Directorate for Finance - Accounting Unit

Via del Lavatoio 1 - 34132 Trieste, Italia - - tel. +39 040 377 5993 (from 10 AM to 12 PM)

In addition to the e-mail address, the following addresses are also active: and In order to deal better and faster with the many and varied requests that we receeve daily, please contact:

  •  for issues related to the financial aspects of the project, e.g
    • Reporting and eligibility of expenditure
    • On-line reporting system - EGF
    • FVG login
    • Validation of expenses
    • Reimbursement requests and LP reports on project activities (also final reports)
    • Expenditure liquidation and transfer of funds from the LP to the PPs
    • Requests for project modifications
    • Authorisations for activities and missions outside the Programme area
  • for issues related to project communication, e.g.:
    • News articles to be published
    • Visual Identity Application Audits
    • Project websites
    • Project reserved area
    • Project events
    • Workshops and events organised by the Programme
  • for administrative concerns, e.g:
    • Contracts and additions thereto
    • Changes in partnership composition
    • Changes in legal forms
    • Changes relating to legal representatives
    • Change of use
    • Any other changes not included in the above categories.


Slovene National Contact Point (NCP)

Republic of Slovenia - Ministry of cohesion and regional development - Interreg and Financial Mechanisms Office - Interreg Division Štanjel Regional Office

Štanjel 1a, SI-6222 Štanjel, Slovenia -


Regional support office - Veneto Region

Veneto Region - Direction for unit programming - Organizational unit for cooperation and European macrostrategies - Tel.: +39 041279 1495-1497-1483




The structures designated to carry out control tasks:


Republic of Italy:

First Level Control for EU Structural Funds Units

Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region - Central Directorate for Finance - EU Structural Funds FLC Units

Via del Lavatoio 1 – 34132 Trieste, Italia

Roberto Piccini -


Republic of Slovenia:

Government Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion Policy
  • Monitoring and evaluation department, Maja Martinšek - e-mail: - tel. 00386 1 400 3423  
  • Department of control of Interreg programmes and financial mechanisms, responsible: Dušan Kotnik - e-mail: - tel. 00386 1 400 3424