Until 31.05.2023 it is possible to apply for the "Interreg Project Slam 2023", an initiative of the INTERACT Programme launched in 2018 with the aim of giving visibility to the achievements of cross-border cooperation.
This year's edition will focus on the theme of the European Year of Skills and all projects funded by the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Programme over the years can participate in the competition, provided they demonstrate a connection with the theme of skills.
The Interreg Project Slam competition offers the possibility to:
- win the production of a promotional video illustrating the story of your project;
- receive training by a high-level storytelling expert;
- win a trip to Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in October and participate in the annual Interreg event;
- perform live on a major European stage and meet top experts from the European Commission and Interreg organisations;
- benefit from Interact's publicity and visibility through the annual Interreg event.
For more information: https://www.interact-eu.net/#o=node/4197
published on 16. 5. 2023