On 15 November 2024, the event ‘Youth for Future Cooperation - on the road to Interreg GO!’ organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) took place in Brussels. The event brought together 100 young people from 21 states who had the opportunity to present their views and recommendations on the future of the Interreg programmes. The participants had been selected from the various initiatives launched by DG REGIO that aim to bring European Territorial Cooperation closer to youth, such as Interreg Voulnteer Youth (IVY) , Youth4Cooperation and Cross-Border Ambassadors.
Among the participants was also Luka Čavdek, who was an IVY volunteer in our Programme and is now a staff member of the Managing Authority. During the event, the participants had the opportunity to discuss eight different points and formulate a series of recommendations to make a concrete contribution to the future of European Territorial Cooperation. Four main points emerged during the event: greater integration and empowerment of border regions, overcoming bureaucratic barriers, greater involvement of young people and people from groups that are not represented in Interreg programmes, and the involvement of young people in strategic objectives, education and communication.
As a Programme, we are proud to host the Interreg GO! conference on 28th March 2025 in Gorizia-Nova Gorica, during which the final document with the young people's recommendations will be presented.