As part of the Walk of Peace+ project, the Walk of Peace Foundation, in cooperation with PromoTurismoFVG, Posoški razvojni center and Kartografija d.o.o., has published a new promotional material, Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic, designed by Matic Leban and Urška Alič.
The new maps of the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic and the leaflets are available in four languages, and again in German after many years. The 1:30,000 scale historical-tourist map covers the entire route, marking all the most important points along the way: monuments, open-air museums, visitor centres, cemeteries, etc., as well as the changing front line. Due to the vastness of the 500-kilometre route, the map is produced in two parts; for the northern and southern sections of the Peace Trail.
Link to promotional material in electronic format: