Join us to celebrate the 390th anniversary of the first tourist visit to Vilenica Cave and the 60th anniversary of its reopening. Come and discover the mysteries of the Karst underground, take a beautiful walk through the Karst heath, learn about the heritage of the Karst people, and much more. Come and experience Vilenica Cave during these beautiful festival days!



19:00 How we explored the Vilenica Cave visitor's book and what we discovered?

The Vilenica Cave had its first visitor's register as early as 1821, which contains numerous signatures and interesting records in different languages and scripts. Who were the visitors? Where did they come from? Why did they visit the cave? What impression did the cave make on them? Second year students of the Gymnasium, together with their teachers Gabrijela Rebec Škrinjar and Matej Grmek, tried to decipher as many signatures as possible and answer all these questions.

The seminar was held as part of the events organized to mark the 390th anniversary of the start of tourist activity in Vilenica and the 60th anniversary of the reopening of the cave. For the full program download the IT-SI attachment:

( 1.16 MB, published on 08. 5. 2023 )


Applications: Due to the limited number of places available, it is necessary to make reservations for the excursions and cave tours at:, while for the Trieste-Bazovizza-Vilenica Cave Cross-border Bicycle Excursion you are kindly requested to make reservations at: curiosidi up to 3 days before the event. In case of bad weather, side events will be cancelled and you will be informed in due time. Free visits to the cave will be held regardless of weather conditions. 

All events took place at Vilenica Cave and provided free admission for all visitors.

September 2024
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