On March 3rd, Laura Comelli, Managing Authority of the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme, participated in the meeting related to the strategic project SINERGIE. The meeting, which was held in Rome at the Department of the Presidency of Ministers, was the first in a series planned for the FVG Region, which was selected by the presidency as a champion region along with 5 other Italian regions.
In line with regulatory requirements, the Regional Programs must take into account the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060. As the National Coordinating Authority for ERDF funds, the Department for Cohesion Policies and the South has promoted a structured support action to the Managing Authorities (MAs) of regional programs to facilitate the inclusion and declination of strategic commitments in their respective programs.
Within this framework the SINERGIE pilot project supports regional MAs. SINERGIE aims to define a comparative analysis of experiences and opportunities for linking ETC programs. The analysis is aimed at developing operational guidelines for use by Regions and Autonomous Provinces.
A survey sample with a limited number of regions (Liguria, Puglia, Sicily, Valle d'Aosta and Friuli Venezia Giulia) was identified to delimit the scope of analysis. Although the project is characterized as a "pilot" experiment, it is expected that project outputs can benefit all regions.
Compared to other regions, Friuli Venezia Giulia has many strengths, not only because of the integration between Interreg funds and the Regional Program, but especially because Interreg links two states with its projects, promoting social, economic and cultural growth.