As part of the CrossCare 2.0 project, the "Community Pact" was signed between Azienda speciale Don Moschetta e Centro Sollievo – Associazione Il Faro

CAORLE – “Caorle Active community for elderly people”, thanks to the CrossCare 2.0 project, the Community Pact was officially signed on January 9th by the director of the Azienda speciale Don Moschetta, Raffaela Barro, and by the president of the Centro Sollievo – Associazione Il Faro, Fiorella Angeli. Adherence to the local agreement will be a precursor for the continued activation and implementation of social networks, as well as for the promotion of a community system that takes care of its citizens in an integrated way, with an open eye to their fragilities but also to the strengthening of their residual abilities.
The agreement is part of the CrossCare 2.0 project, led by the lead partner Cooperativa sociale Itaca, which involves various entities in Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia, co-financed with over 529 thousand euros from the European Regional Development Fund and included in the Interreg VI Program -A Italia-Slovenia 2021-2027 with a total budget of over 662 thousand euros.
The Community Pact signed in Caorle hopes for the involvement of the territory in terms of awareness-raising actions, especially of third sector bodies thanks also to the Municipality of Caorle, to underline the importance of the role that the community plays in taking care of all-round of older people.
The demographic and social transformations of recent years, although with heterogeneous characteristics at a local level, represent a factor that will have a significant impact on health and social inclusion policies in the medium term. From this perspective, the Community Pact represents an innovative approach in the care of the elderly and a tool for activating new resources within the community, a collaboration to think and implement common services and solutions to address aging and strengthen social cohesion.
Azienda speciale Don Moschetta and Centro Sollievo - Associazione Il Faro have committed to collaborating in the mapping of needs and resources of the territory, contributing with human and material resources, skills and ideas to the development of innovative programs and services for the well-being of elderly people, implementing concrete actions, actively collaborate within the network with a strong sense of solidarity, with an innovative vision of relationship, sharing and communion of intent.
The Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme 2021-2027 is an European cross-border cooperation Program. Through the financing of cooperation projects between Italian and Slovenian partners, the Program enriches the cross-border territory with joint actions and investments to improve the quality of life of the population, also protecting and promoting cultural and natural heritage. More information: