Saturday 19th of October 2024 took place, in the scenic location of Duino Castle, the training event “PEDALARE NEL FUTURO TRA GEOTURISMO E CICLOTURISMO: VALORIZZAZIONE LOCALE PER UN TURISMO CONSAPEVOLE. PRILOŽNOSTI ZA RAZVOJ KOLESARJENJA NA PODROČJU GEOTURIZMA IN KOLESARSKEGA TURIZMA: LOKALNA PROMOCIJA TRAJNOSTNEGA TURIZMA.” (Cycling into the future among geotourism and cycle-tourism: local enhancement for a responsible tourism”), jointly organised by the two strategic projects Adrioncycletour and Kras/Carso II.
The event was a great opportunity to create a moment of dialogue and confrontation on the themes of cycle-tourism, geotourism and sustainable tourism among institutions, stakeholders of the sector and the four guests that took the floor: Alberto Conte, Silvia Livoni, Peter Eich e Suzana Fajmut Štrucl.