On Thursday, 12 September 2024, the fourth regular meeting of the partners of the project E-Nat2care took place in Izola at the premises of the University of Primorska. The topic of the meeting was the review of the financial situation and the reporting at the end of the second reporting period, so representatives of each of the five partners presented the activities they have carried out so far in the past period and the plans for the next reporting period.
Among the achievements of the past period, we would like to mention the successful implementation of the summer monitoring of saproxylic beetles and the Ural owl on both sides of the border, as well as a number of events for the public, including the recently concluded summer school, which was organized at the Ć kocjan caves park. For the upcoming months, the focus will be on the analysis of the fieldwork results, and the work on the ecosystem services review in the project area is planned to begin. The next regular partners meeting is scheduled for January 2025.