The Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme, together with the Support Structure provided by Veneto Region, are hosting three IVY - Interreg Volunteer Youth volunteers during these months. The IVY Volunteer Programme is funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Association of european border regions (AEBR) and aims to involve young people (between 18 to 30) in European territorial cooperation activities. As Programme, we are happy to open the doors of our offices and allow young people to get in on the ball of cross-border cooperation. In fact, it’s crucial for young people to be involved and to feel as a fundamental part of the Interreg realities. As previously stated, the Programme and the Support Structure of Veneto Region are hosting three young girls in support of the main communication activities. In addition, the E-NAT2CARE project also welcomed an IVY Project Partner.
Erika Kosic - Project Partner for the project TA4-FVG
"I am part of the Slovenian minority in Italy, therefore I’m living and experiencing the cross-border reality on a daily basis. Therefore, I wanted to play my part in the cross-border cooperation activities between the two countries while taking the opportunity to work as a volunteer for the Programme Italy-Slovenia.
I begun my IVY experience in June 2024 and since day one my colleagues have been ready to promptly assist me when I needed help and to reply to any question I had. My assigned tasks mainly concern news pubblications on both the Programme and FVG Region webpages, together with assisting the Communication Team on its daily activities having as the main scope the promotion of the work done by the Programme and its projects. During these past months I also had the possibility to take part to muliple events helping with their organization and overall setting. Moreover, I’m actively collaborating with the implementation and setting of a contest among local high schools which aims to involve the youngsters in crossborder cooperation activites.
This very experience has been, so far, extremely enriching and rewarding form both a personal and professional point of view, enabling me to get to know in a closer way the actual process behind the implementation of crossborder projects. The working atmosphere is engaging and motivating and it easily enables me to express my creativity; not to mention that I work with young people and that everything is carried out both in Italian and Slovenian which perfectly embodies the spirit of cooperation of the Interreg Programmes."
Carlotta Gavagnin - IVY Reporter for the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Programme
"My volunteering activity at the offices of the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Programme, sited in Trieste, begun on October 1st, 2024 while being assigned to the Communication Team of the Programme where a group of young professionals welcomed me warmly.
I am not part of the Slovenian minority in Italy but I already had the great opportunity to get to know the peculiarities of this reality while studing for my bachelor degree in "International relations and Diplomacy" in Gorizia.
It has been two months since I'm covering the role of IVY Volunteer but I already experienced so many chances to expand my network and to challenge myself taking part and organizing international meetings and conferences. I had the chance to begin my experience helping with the hosting of the Monitoring Committee in Venice, from the 2nd to the 3rd of October and, the week after, taking active part to the »European Week of Regions and Cities« in Brussels, where I also got the chance to meet with the team of AEBR (Association of European Border Regions, the association promoting my activity). During the latter occasion my colleagues and I had the best opportunity to assist the FVG Region representative Officers in Brussels with the hosting of the event promoting the first ever collaboration between two Programmes (Interreg Italy-Slovenia and Interreg Italy-Croatia) towards a common objective under the project presented as »#CROssing-ITA-SLOwly«. Hence, since the very beginning, I have seen the actual work behind the implementation of European funds dedicated to regional development and the management of projects aimed at the crossborder cooperation, giving a further enriching sense to what I studied at university while seeing its tangible application."
Irene Barro - IVY Reporter at the Supporting Structure sited in Veneto Region
"Being an IVY Reporter means being able to actively contribute to the successful implementation of the European territorial cooperation, designed to find common solutions to the challenges affecting European regions sharing a common border and culture. The decision to play this role stems precisely from the awareness of the importance of an approach of collaboration among European territories, especially those in cross-border areas; an awareness which I developed during my master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy.
As an IVY Reporter, I mainly carry out communication activities in order to highlight the objectives and results of the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Programme. Being guested by Veneto Region - at the premises of the Supporting Structure of the Programme - I write news, update the section of the regional website dedicated to the Programme and produce material for the public. At the moment I am working on the production of information sheets that will show the positive effects of the projects financed by the Programme in Veneto Region. My activity is not limited to office work, in fact I often have the opportunity to participate in events, infodays and presentations. Therefore, this is a very motivating experience in a very stimulating environment, which is useful for getting to know European territorial cooperation. "
Alberto Madrassi - IVY Project Partner for the project E-NAT2CARE
"I am lucky enough to carry out my IVY experience in an environment that I already came to know very well thanks to a past volunteering period at the premises of the "Youth Council for the Biosphere Reserve of Julian Alps". As a result, my integration into the environment of the Prealpine Julian Natural Park was very fast, allowing me to immediately dedicate myself to activities related to the E-NAT2CARE project. The latter were very varied and mainly dedicated to the communication of all the activities carried out. The interaction with various project partners was particularly interesting, mainly because I am passionate about cross-border cooperation matters. I already know that the last two months of my IVY experience will be a bit challenging due to the many activities scheduled on the agenda, but I am sure they will contribute to my personal growth."