In February, in cooperation with PromoTurismo FVG, the FVG Region organised three meetings to present to the regional stakeholders the interreg project Implementation, in the Programme area, of the EUSAIR transversal flagship project idea called "Adriatic-Ionian cycle route for sustainable tourism – ADRIONCYCLETOUR", and to carry out the "D.3.1.3 - Meeting with the local/regional stakeholders platforms". During the first meeting, held online on 1 February 2024, the objectives of the project were presented, i.e. the contribution to the definition of the cycle route running along the Adriatic Sea coast in Italy and Slovenia, including its main hinterland connections, and the development of an innovative and attractive cross-border tourism product on the Adriatic-Ionian cycle route, and the infrastructural interventions planned and financed within the project in question were discussed in detail.
The next meetings will be held online on 8 February and 15 February and will focus on communication and promotion activities for the project and the Adriatic-Ionian Cycle Route, and a meeting with associations.