On Tuesday, May 14, Science and Research Centre Koper established a pilot orchard of native olive tree varieties in Marezige as part of the Poseidone project, Interreg Italy-Slovenia.
Image1: Zemljišče pred obdelavo / Terreno prima della coltivazione / Land before cultivation
Prior to the establishment of the orchard, various genotypes of native olive tree varieties were identified, propagated, and then planted in the new orchard. The orchard contains different genotypes of the varieties 'Buga', 'Črnica', 'Drobnica', 'Istrska belica' and 'Mata'.
Image 2: Priprava terena / Preparazione del terreno / Terrain preparation
The purpose of the orchard is to preserve native varieties that are being replaced by foreign varieties, thereby reducing genetic erosion and maintaining genetic diversity, which is crucial for addressing future challenges in food production.
Image 3: Po sajenju / Dopo il piantamento / After planting