On 14th October 2024, Tartini House in Piran-Pirano hosted a conference titled “Giuseppe Tartini: New Sources, New Research Perspectives,” which brought together a dozen experts from academic institutions in Italy, Slovenia, and Switzerland. During the event, participants shared the results of their research, conducted with great dedication over recent months.
An important achievement for the TARTINI BIS project was bringing together some of the world’s leading experts on Tartini, including Sergio Durante from the University of Padua. Durante opened the conference by presenting a proposal for a commented chronology of Tartini studies and efforts to promote and enhance the cultural heritage associated with the renowned composer.

Digitalizzazione del Fondo Tartini di Pirano
Nell’ambito del progetto TARTINI BIS, il musicologo Nejc Sukljan dell’Università di Lubiana ha lavorato alla digitalizzazione del Fondo Tartini, custodito presso l’Archivio Regionale di Capodistria, sezione di Pirano. Durante il convegno, Sukljan ha descritto il processo di digitalizzazione, studio e sistemazione del fondo, presto accessibile al pubblico. Con la pubblicazione sul sito discovertartini.eu, queste preziose fonti saranno messe a disposizione dei ricercatori di tutto il mondo e degli appassionati interessati alla figura di Tartini.
Digitization of the Tartini Archive in Piran-Pirano
As part of the TARTINI BIS project, musicologist Nejc Sukljan from the University of Ljubljana worked on the digitization of the Tartini Archive, housed at the Regional Archive of Koper-Capodistria, Piran-Pirano section. During the conference, Sukljan described the process of digitization, study, and organization of the archive, which will soon be accessible to the public. With its publication on the website discovertartini.eu, these valuable resources will become available to researchers worldwide and enthusiasts interested in Tartini’s legacy.

The Renewal of the Website discovertartini.eu
The website discovertartini.eu, created as part of the previous tARTini project, serves as an invaluable digital resource for both Tartini scholars and the general public. Currently undergoing updates, the website will offer new and engaging features, including an updated catalog of all works, ensuring easier and more direct access to materials that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. The new website was presented by Giulio D’Angelo, coordinator of the Bruno and Michèle Polli Center for Tartini Documentation and Studies at the Giuseppe Tartini Conservatory of Music in Trieste.