As part of the CrossCare 2.0 project, the "Community Pact" was signed between the Municipality of Sacile, SSC Livenza Cansiglio Cavallo, AsFO, Cooperativa Itaca and around fifteen local associations
SACILE – “Sacile Elderly Person-Friendly Community”, thanks to the CrossCare 2.0 project, the Community Pact was officially signed yesterday, in the Sala del Ballatoio of Palazzo Ragazzoni, for the Municipality of Sacile by the mayor Carlo Spagnol, for the Servizio sociale dei Comuni Livenza Cansiglio Cavallo by the manager Katia Pantarotto, for the AsFO - Livenza District by the district head Barbara Miglietta, for the Cooperativa sociale Itaca by the president Paolo Castagna. About fifteen third sector entities have signed up to the agreement, whose presence will be fundamental for the continued activation of social networks, as well as for the promotion of a community system that takes care of its citizens and their communities in an integrated way, with an eye on their fragilities but also on strengthening their residual capacities.
The agreement is part of the CrossCare 2.0 project, led by the lead partner Cooperativa sociale Itaca, which involves various entities in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Slovenia, co-financed with over 529 thousand euros from the European Regional Development Fund and included in the Interreg VI Program -A Italia-Slovenia 2021-2027 with a total budget of over 662 thousand euros.
The Community Pact signed in Sacile thanks to the fundamental role of the Municipality and Residenza Protetta, Ssc Livenza Cansiglio Cavallo, AsFO and Itaca contemplates a widespread awareness-raising action among the association universe, to underline the importance of the role that the community plays in take all-round care of elderly people. The path, divided into four stages, constitutes a milestone within the European project: firstly the definition of the instrument, the collection of needs, the identification of services and finally the construction of a tailor-made model for the community.
Concretely, the process unfolded through six meetings, led by the Sinodé Society, which saw the constant presence of the Sacile Municipality, Ssc Livenza Cansiglio Cavallo and Itaca. Meeting after meeting, the number of associations involved increased, thus allowing a growing expression of needs and resources, to which was added the important presence of the Azienda sanitaria Friuli Occidentale.
An important aspect concerns the work of mapping the territory, the result of constant research and involvement of entities operating in favor of the elderly population, in particular of a social, but also cultural, musical and educational nature.
In addition to the bodies already mentioned, the following associations have signed the Community Pact: Auser, Bocciofila Sacilese, Centro di ascolto La Vela, Anmic, Fondazione Alvise, Caritas foraniale Sacile, associazione Serenissima, Università della terza età e degli adulti Sacile e Alto Livenza, Associazione Ensemble Serenissima, associazione Piccolo Teatro Città di Sacile, associazione Circolo della Cultura Del Bello, Istituto Filarmonico Città di Sacile, Associazione San Pietro Apostolo, Duomo di San Nicolò e SpiCGIL.
The signatories have committed to collaborate in the mapping of needs and resources of the territory, contribute with human and material resources, skills and ideas to the development of innovative programs and services for the well-being of elderly people, carry out concrete actions, collaborate actively within the network with a strong sense of solidarity, which already belongs to the nature of every single member reality, but with an innovative vision of relationship, sharing and communion of intent.
“With the signature, today we celebrate an important milestone, the Community Pacts, the heart of the CrossCare 2.0 project which unites forces and energies to enhance and support our elderly – highlights Carlo Spagnol, mayor of the City of Sacile -. This path, developed thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality, Ssc Livenza Cansiglio Cavallo, Cooperativa Itaca, Associations and AsFO, demonstrates how essential it is to act together to build a supportive and integrated network.
Thanks to the mapping of the territory and participatory meetings, we have identified needs, resources and services, creating an innovative support model that recognizes the immense value of the elderly persons, not only for their fragility, but for the wealth they represent. I invite everyone to continue this path, promoting an attentive, inclusive community capable of carefully safeguarding the ties that unite us. Together we can make a difference".
“The signing of the community pacts represents an important moment for the territory as a whole – states Katia Pantarotto, head of the Ssc Livenza Cansiglio Cavallo – and is fully part of the awareness-raising process that the Social service has undertaken by some years, aimed at making our communities supportive and caring. It is our intention to spread a new culture of sociality even in times of need and fragility, the community pacts are a symbolic and practical tool for continuity of strategic actions, with the aim of creating an increasingly widespread network of integrated services, to look not only to the needs but also to the dignity of people".
“AsFO has looked at the generative process of community pacts within the European project CrossCare 2.0 with extreme interest – underlines Barbara Miglietta, district head for the AsFO Livenza District -, considering the construction of a network of strong impact and importance integrated in the territory to improve the conditions of frail elderly citizens. For this reason, AsFO decided to join by also responding to the requests of the associations that participate in this new reality of solidarity and care".
“The innovative approach of the CrossCare 2.0 project involved the experimental promotion of a dialogue aimed at the creation of cross-border Community Pacts at local level, to support a model of integrated and personalized care of the elderly and their family – highlights Paolo Castagna, president of Cooperativa sociale Itaca -. Thanks to the synergy between public and private social services, the collaboration with civil society and all the formal and informal entities active in the territories, after the signatures that took place in recent weeks in Portogruaro and Trieste, the one signed in Sacile anticipates the future signatures expected in Caorle, Ljubljana and Grosuplje in Slovenia”.