Last Thursday, May the 16th, in the premises of Belgrade Palace in Udine was held the fourth meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the ERDF PR 2021-2027, which was attended - in addition to regional Finance Councillor Barbara Zilli - by Drs. Laura Comelli and Chiara Vecchiato from the Managing Authority.
The focus of the meeting was on two specific topics of cohesion policy, urged by the representative of the European Commission: communication and evaluation. During the meeting a number of innovations were introduced at the regulatory level and at the national level: first and foremost the unified brand "Cohesion Italy", common to all Programs co-financed by the Funds that fall within the scope of cohesion policies.
Great emphasys during the meeting was put on the need to highlight the visibility and unitary recognition of the EU investments at the center of the 2021-2027 programming cycle. In this regard, constitutes an element of novelty the inclusion in the communication strategy of digital tools - particularly social media - gradually acquiring a primary role to contribute to the new course that Europe hopes for the implementation of cohesion policy.
For what concerns the scope of evaluation, the main steps taken to launch the evaluation activity in this first phase of the 2021-2027 programming were explained and approved at the meeting, ranging from the definition of the Unified Evaluation Plan for the ERDF and ESF+ Programs to the inclusion and execution of the new contract for the evaluation service.