Policy objective: PO4 - A more social and inclusive Europe implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights
Specific objective: SO 6 - enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation
Typology: capitalization project
The WALKofPeace+ project intends to give an answer to the challenge faced by the Italy-Slovenia 21- 27 Programme working to attract greater tourist flows through the implementation of a joint cross-border tourist offer, capitalising on the important result of the previous WALKofPeace project - voted the best INTERREG 2020 project - which had created the WoP "brand" by implementing, along a route connecting more than 300 monuments in a pathway more than 500 kilometres long, actions for the conservation of the heritage linked to the First World War and launching its promotion as a sustainable cultural tourism product. The capitalisation project has the even more ambitious objective of enhancing the tourist product through actions at a strategic level to make it a lever for the development of the border area and the attraction of tourist flows, including international ones.
The project aims to:
- improve accessibility to the tangible and intangible heritage of the Great War by transferring the best practice acquired on Mount Sabotino/Sabotin to improve the usability of the peak of Mount Hermada/Grmada and envisaging to expand the offer to cyclists as well as to walkers;
- create a multi-level and multi-sectoral cross-border governance for the management of the "brand" in the long term by involving all stakeholders in a process of defining a cross-border strategy and action plan;
- strengthen the Cross-border Tourism Promotion Strategy in order to make the WoP product a "brand" capable of catalysing the attention of the public attentive to a cultural, slow and sustainable form of tourism.
The main project output aims to unite the common cross-border heritage through a physical path that also becomes a virtual link and an instrument to strengthen the identity of the entire continent capable of transforming a tragic and divisive event into a symbol of peace, reflection and cohesion.