Better governance

CrossCare 2.0

CrossCare 2.0 - Joint Integrated Strategies for capitalising on the CrossCare model
Start date
October 2023
End date
March 2025
662.371,52 €
ERDF Budget
529.897,21 €
The project
Project summary

Policy objective: ISO 1 - A better cooperation governance

Specific objective: ISO 1.(b) - ISO 1.(b) - enhance efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens, civil society actors and institutions, in particular, with a view to resolving legal and other obstacles in border regions

Typology: capitalization project

The CrossCare 2.0 project aims at developing an adequate response to the ageing trend in the population, a common challenge in the Programme Area that will have a significant impact on healthcare and social inclusion policies in the medium term.

  • The overall objective is to strengthen cooperation and governance in public-private decision-making processes involving institutions and key actors of social and healthcare services for the senior population in the Programme Area.
  • This will be achieved by capitalising on and strengthening the CrossCare® Model in order to develop shared strategies that address the common challenge of population ageing and to improve the coordination of existing services in the cross-border area.
  • The innovative approach of the project lies in the pilot action establishing cross-border Community Pacts at a local level to support an integrated and person-centred care model for the elderly and their caregivers, in synergy between public and private services and thanks to a partnership with civil society and all the formal and informal groups that are active in the community
  • strengthening competences of PPs, PAs and professionals through participation in joint training courses on Crosscare® methods and approaches;
  • consolidation of the Model and cross-border collaboration through the implementation of Community Pacts for an innovative approach in elderly care;
  • improvement of services for active ageing thanks to the implementation of community strategies based on the pilot for the CrossCare 2.0 Model with at least 50 users.


Cooperativa Itaca società cooperativa sociale onlus
Azienda Pubblica di Servizi alla Persona ITIS
IPAB Residenza per Anziani Giuseppe Francescon
DEOS, celostna oskrba starostnikov, d.o.o.
Dom starejših občanov Grosuplje
Azienda Speciale Don Moschetta
Associated Partners
ASFO - Azienda Sanitaria Friuli Occidentale
Azienda Unità Locale Socio Sanitaria 4 Veneto Orientale
comune di Portogruaro
comune di Sacile
Federsanità A.N.C.I. Friuli Venezia Giulia
Servizio Sociale Dei Comuni Livenza - Cansiglio – Cavallo
Združenje koncesionarjev domov za starejše
Zavod Aktivna Starost, so.p.
Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina

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Cooperativa Itaca società cooperativa sociale onlus

Vicolo R. Selvatico 16 - 33170 Pordenone
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