On April 16, 2024, the second meeting of the project partners was held at the Pr Nanetovh Promotion and Conference Center in the Škocjan Cave Park area (Slovenia). The coordination meeting was a time to report on the activities carried out in the first period and to coordinate future activities.
In addition, the partnership also had the opportunity to visit the Mrzlek pond, one of the pilot actions under the Engreen 2 project that was recently restored by the PŠJ partner.
The goal of the pond's redevelopment was to restore its authentic appearance and function as a reservoir for holding water. The Mrzlek pond has long lacked its original function as a water supply for livestock and had been lying in a state of neglect for years.
The renovation did not involve restoring its original function as a watering hole for livestock, but to preserve the pond as a natural habitat for aquatic and water-related species such as the Italian crested newt (Triturus carnifex) and the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata). It will also become an important watering hole for wild animals. Its restoration has also strengthened the conservation function of the cultural landscape and the protection of biodiversity in the area.
The ponds are, in fact, one of the elements of the transboundary network of European infrastructure and green belts for the protection of EU-relevant and other protected species. Ponds are typical of arid areas where there is no natural standing water and every pond is important.