The activities of ‘Circular.Buildings’, the project that over the next two years will build the cross-border construction circular economy web platform, are now fully underway: we will set up a hub of best practices, innovations, resources and tools useful for all stakeholders in the supply chain, from citizens to businesses, from public administrations to NGOs, to concretely promote international innovations and best practices at local level.
The activities of ‘Circular.Buildings’, the project that over the next two years will build the cross-border construction circular economy web platform, are now fully underway: we will set up a hub of best practices, innovations, resources and tools useful for all stakeholders in the supply chain, from citizens to businesses, from public administrations to NGOs, to concretely promote international innovations and best practices at local level.
After the Kick Off Meeting hosted on the 7th of May at the University of Udine, the partners have already fully launched the research activities planned for the first year of the project and are preparing to start Field analyses throughout the territory.
Circular.Buildings will address the topic of the circular economy in the building sector with a special focus on:
Sector innovations at international level: thanks to the involvement of research centres of excellence in the partnership, the project will be able to analyse the most recent innovations at international level and then select those that are best suited to the specific characteristics of our area. The participation of the Artificial Intelligence Department of the ‘Jožef Stefan’ Institute in Ljubljana will also enable a special focus on AI tools applied to the sector.
Product Life Cycle Approach: talking about circular economy in construction does not only mean dealing with proper waste management. It is obviously essential to adopt a product life cycle approach: tools and practices will be studied to extend the life cycle of buildings, to improve the ‘quality’ of the final waste produced, and to limit the energy emissions of the construction sector as a whole.
Systemic and operational approach: by definition, talking about the circular economy means analysing systems. However, if action were not also taken on the individual actors in the chain, this would risk getting stuck at various stages of the cycle. This is why alongside systemic actions, Circular.Buildings will also provide strongly operational tools and practical solutions for all stakeholders..
The first year of activity will be devoted exclusively to the analysis of international best practices and the local context, and in more detail:
RESEARCH ON SECTOR BEST PRACTICE: The University of Udine is coordinating an international research on best practices in the management of the construction supply chain in compliance with CB principles,
RESEARCH ON SECTORAL INNOVATIONS: Coordinated by the Jožef Stefan Institute, including new solutions based on Artificial Intelligence,
RESEARCH ON SECTOR LEGISLATION: An analysis of the Italian and Slovenian legislation on construction waste management, in order to understand how it can favour or hinder a fully efficient circular economy and to foster the exchange of good practices between Italy and Slovenia
FIELD RESEARCH OF THE STATE OF THE ART IN THE CROSS-BORDER TERRITORY: A quantitative and qualitative research to thoroughly analyse the cross-border context.
From the second year, a series of workshops, events and initiatives will be launched that will transfer the best practices identified to the local context:
In-depth WORKSHOPS, designed for different target groups (construction companies, professionals, public administrations, etc.),
The project will therefore provide useful and operational tools to all stakeholders in the supply chain. We invite every stakeholder in the construction sector to contact our staff in order to actively take part in the project activities: your contribution will be fundamental in order to be able to immediately make the best contribution to a fully sustainable construction.
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