Is it possible to improve accessibility and promote green tourism through the integration of local cycling routes with major international itineraries? We will discuss this and much more during the event dedicated entirely to cycle tourism and sustainable territorial development: Eastern Venice by Bicycle: Best Practices in Cycle Tourism Inter Bike.
The meeting was held on 20th November 2024 at the charming Cortino del Castello di Fratta in Fossalta di Portogruaro, organized by VeGAL in collaboration with Vivilitalia. The event was promoted as part of the INTER BIKE III project, an initiative co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme, aimed at strengthening the connections between inland cycle routes and at promoting the cycle tourism as a form of economic sustainable development in the cross-border area along the cycle routes Adriabike (Kranjska Gora-Ravenna), D7 (Robič-Jelšane) and FVG3 ("Pedemontana e del Collio"). This will be achieved by improving access to attractions along the routes, upgrading cycling infrastructure and establishing a management structure for cycle routes D7 and FVG3.
The day was devoted to sharing the best practices of cycle tourism in the Eastern Venice region, an area full of fascinating landscapes and opportunities for cycling enthusiasts.
The following is a list issues presented in the morning, which was attended by some 50 participants:
- Cinzia Gozzo – Project Coordinator at VeGAL, VeGAL's programming on slow tourism
- Diego Gallo – Guide and consultant at Etifor srl, Cycling itineraries in Eastern Veneto
- Marco Gusso – Founder of, The Giralemene system
- Sebastiano Venneri – Head of Tourism at Legambiente, Apennine Bike Tour: a model of good public and private collaboration for the development of the Apennines
- Massimo Infunti – CEO of Mobility Square, BikeSquare: connecting itineraries, sharing information, enhancing resources
- Antonio Dalla Venezia – Fiab Veneto, Fiab's experience in promoting and developing cycling itineraries in Veneto
In the afternoon, participatory workshops were held that, starting from the strengths and weaknesses of the territory were aimed at the common design of the cycling product, the definition of the Charter of Values of bike-friendly structures and the content of the promotion actions.
The conclusions were presented by the Director of VeGAL Giancarlo Pegoraro.
Various experts of the field had the possibility to share their experiences and present innovative projects that are transforming cycling mobility in the region.
Giovanni Manisi