e KARST ADAPT project officially started on April 22, 2024, and practically on June 20, 2024, with the first meeting of the project partners. The first project activities are already underway.
Led by PP5 (ISIG), the project partners began implementing activities 1.1 and 1.2. These activities include preparing a list of mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of wildfires, floods, and hail, analyzing existing and planned protective and mitigation measures, and preparing a comprehensive resilience assessment of local communities. All project partners actively participated in the implementation. Based on the collected data, participatory workshops will be organized with representatives from municipalities, civil protection, fire departments, and other interested public groups. The first workshop, jointly organized by the Municipality of Miren – Kostanjevica and the Municipality of Renče – Vogrsko, took place on December 4, 2024, in Miren.
During the project’s implementation, the municipalities met several times with representatives of civil protection, volunteer fire departments, and professional units to tailor activities (such as the purchase of equipment and training) to the needs of the users.
PP2, the Municipality of Renče – Vogrsko, took a step further and purchased a command tent for civil protection. In the summer months, the tent was already used by young people in the municipality who participated in a survival camp organized by the municipal civil protection unit. With this, the organizers, the municipality, and the municipal civil protection unit, also involved young people in the KARST ADAPT project.