In the second period, as part of the E-NAT2CARE project, two events for professional and scientific community were organized in the Škocjan Caves Park.
On May 16, there was an activity titled "Practical Demonstration of Monitoring Charismatic Species". It was attended by employees of the Nature Conservation Service of the Czech Republic, which manages the Moravian Karst.
Participants first listened to a presentation of the E-NAT2CARE project and learned about the monitoring methods for the rosalia longicorn beetle (Rosalia alpina) and the hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita), the ringing of the Ural owl, and the capture-recapture method for amphibians. At a pond, there was a practical demonstration of newt monitoring. We compared monitoring protocols for newts and saproxylic beetles with the Czech participants from the professional service, discussing in which cases their use is appropriate.
At the end of August (August 28, 2024), an activity titled "Presentation of Monitoring and Conservation Measures for the Protection of Bat and Ural Owl Populations in the Škocjan Caves Park" was organized at the Škocjan Caves Park Info Center. It was attended by nature-oriented students from the german "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes" organization.
Participants learned about the monitoring method using playback for the Ural owl. We also presented the methods for monitoring bats in the Škocjan Caves Park and the conservation measures we implement to protect these populations.