[December 20, 2024, Spinea (VE)] – Sustainability and recycling are the keywords at the presentation of the prototype urban waste bin intended for public areas of the Municipality of Spinea. The initiative, promoted within the RECREATE project, aims to foster responsible, innovative waste management within a circular economy framework.
For the first time in Italy, the Municipality of Spinea, in collaboration with Veritas Spa, has launched an experimental campaign for the collection of fiber-reinforced composite (CFR) waste. These materials, known for their complexity due to the presence of hard plastics, metals, and fiberglass, were previously not recycled due to treatment difficulties. Thus, the project represented an innovative challenge in the field of waste collection and recycling.
Thanks to the efforts of the citizens of Spinea, who contributed materials such as motorcycle helmets, bicycles, shower trays, and sports equipment during special collection days in the spring of 2024, it was possible not only to treat these complex wastes but also to transform them into new urban furnishing items. Among the product catalog made available to the municipal administration, waste bins were chosen as a tangible solution that returns to the community the visible outcome of their recycling efforts.
Presentation of the Prototype
The prototype was presented during a technical meeting at the municipal building in Spinea, attended by Deputy Mayor Emanuele Ditadi, Environmental Councilor Paolo Barbiero, and Dr. Varotto from the Environmental Services Directorate of VERITAS Spa. Franco Mioni, CEO of Gees Recycling, showcased the technical characteristics of the new bin, highlighting the innovative technique of reusing CFR materials.
Mayor's Remarks
The Mayor of the Municipality of Spinea, Franco Bevilacqua, expressed great satisfaction with the results achieved, emphasizing the importance of this project as a case study for the integration of CFR waste into the recyclable waste cycle. "The ultimate goal of the RECREATE project will be to demonstrate, through this case study, that CFR waste can be included in recyclable waste and not dispersed in the environment" stated the Mayor.
This project represents a model of circular economy that can be replicated in other municipal and regional settings.