On September 30th at 11.30 am there will be the Interreg project “CrossCare 2.0” presentation in Ljubljana, during the Festival of the Third Age. LJUBLJANA, 2024 September 30th – Slovenia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, and Veneto face together the common challenge of the aging population in a cross-border area, to strengthen cooperation and governance of public-private decision-making processes between institutions and key operators of social and health services for the care of the elderly in the Program Area. It is the “CrossCare 2.0. Integrated and shared strategies for the capitalization of the CrossCare Model", a co-financed project with over 529 thousand euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and included in the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Program with a total budget of over 662 thousand euros. PARTNERS Led by Cooperativa sociale Itaca as the lead partner, the project has a partnership made up of 15 entities and organizations. There are 6 first level partners: in addition to the leader Itaca, Aps ITIS, Ipab Residenza per Anziani Giuseppe Francescon, DEOS celostna oskrba starostnikov d.o.o., Dom starejših občanov DSO Grosuplje e Azienda speciale Don Moschetta. Associated partners: Azienda sanitaria Friuli Occidentale, Azienda unità locale Socio Sanitaria 4 Veneto Orientale, Comune di Portogruaro, Comune di Sacile, Federsanità ANCI Friuli Venezia Giulia, Servizio Sociale dei Comuni Livenza Cansiglio Cavallo, Združenje koncesionarjev domov za starejše, Zavod Aktivna Starost so.p., Azienda sanitaria universitaria Giuliano Isontina. THE PROJECT Lasting 18 months, it started in October 2023 and will end on 2025 March 31st, CrossCare 2.0 is a capitalization project of the Model developed with the previous CrossCare project, which today aims to build an adequate response to the phenomenon of population aging, a common challenge of the Program Area which in the medium term will have a significant impact on health and social inclusion policies in Slovenia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto. OBJECTIVES The general objective of CrossCare 2.0 is to strengthen cooperation and governance of public-private decision-making processes between institutions and key operators of social and health services for the care of the elderly in the Program Area. Through the capitalization and strengthening of the CrossCare® Model, it develops shared strategies in response to the common challenge of aging and strengthens the coordination of existing services in the cross-border area. The innovative approach of the project also envisages the experimental promotion of a dialogue aimed at the creation of cross-border Community Pacts at the local level, to support a model of integrated and personalized care of the elderly and their family, in synergy between public and private services, thanks to collaboration with civil society and all the formal and informal entities active in the area. MODULAR TRAINING The project involves the creation of bilingual guidelines of the CrossCare® Model and a common training path for all partners with the participation of social and health workers, care managers, representatives of elderly homes, local social services, home care services, sector operators, elderly population, caregivers, family members of the beneficiaries included in the trial and informal local actors. COMMUNITY PACTS The strengthening of the CrossCare® Model focuses on the creation of Community Pacts, the final outcome of a community animation process which could take the form of a network agreement with shared governance from a solidarity network perspective, which is seeing active involvement of all the entities in each area involved, public and private, who have expressed their willingness to make themselves available to the elderly population and collaborate to ensure shared care of frailties. Declined in the territorial context, the Community Pacts will allow the continued activation of proximity social networks, as well as the strengthening and formalization of already existing collaborations. TESTING OF THE NEW CROSSCARE 2.0 MODEL: TERRITORIES AND TARGET The testing of the CrossCare 2.0 Model is taking place in the 6 municipal areas of reference, corresponding to the project operational partners: Cooperativa sociale Itaca in the Residenza Protetta of the Municipality of Sacile (Pn); Asp ITIS public personal services company in Trieste; Ipab Giuseppe Francescon residence for the elderly in Portogruaro (Ve); DEOS, celostna oskrba starostnikov, d.o.o in the Municipalities of Brezovica, Ljubljana, Medvode and Horjul; Dom starejših občanov DSO Grosuplje in the Municipality of Grosuplje; Don Moschetta special company in Caorle (Ve). The target involved in the experimentation represents the "grey band" of the over 65 population not already intercepted by social and health services, in conditions of fragility or vulnerability, with a need for targeted assistance activities to prevent their institutionalization and prolong their placement at home. The pilot actions were defined by a mapping of the needs and desires of the elderly population through the administration of questionnaires in the six territories. The target of the trial 55 elderly people over 65, in frail or non-frail conditions. The care manager welcomes requests for assistance from individual beneficiaries and their family members, to define a personalized home care plan and proceed with the activation of a system of territorial social networks. The experimentation process is accompanied by a continuous step-by-step evaluation by the Fondazione Zancan, which will lead to the drafting of a final evaluation report. OUTPUT Among the expected results is the strengthening of the skills of the partners, public administrations, and sector operators involved, the latter thanks to participation in joint training courses on "Therapeutic Arc and Polar Pattern", "Validation" and "Gentlecare Method" in all the project locations. Also expected is the consolidation of the CrossCare Model and cross-border collaboration through the creation of Community Pacts for an innovative approach to the care of the elderly; the improvement of services for active aging thanks to the implementation of community strategies with the pilot experience of the CrossCare 2.0 Model between Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Slovenia. The Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Program 2021-2027 is a European cross-border cooperation Program. Through the financing of cooperation projects between Italian and Slovenian partners, the Program enriches the cross-border territory with joint actions and investments to improve the quality of life of the population, also protecting and promoting cultural and natural heritage. More information: www.ita-slo.eu.