Better governance


Best practice capitalization in cross-border maxi-emergency management
Start date
September 2023
End date
August 2025
749.544,12 €
ERDF Budget
599.635,29 €
The project
Project summary


ISO 1 - A better cooperation governance  

Specific Objectives: 

ISO 1.(b) - enhance efficient public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens, civil society actors and institutions, in particular, with a view to resolving legal and other obstacles in border regions


Standard, capitalisation

Overall Objective of the Project

AidMIRE’s main aim is to help manage large-scale health events and to treat patients with multiple injuries in a cross-border area, where healthcare systems are organised and provided differently. The project challenge is to harmonize structures and protocols through a rescue integrated model.


AidMIRE’s main objectives are:

  • capitalizing and updating NEX AID’s results to strengthen institutional cross- border cooperation by improving medical emergency management, by expanding the operational area - more Slovenian actors are involved-  and by updating medical and logistical protocols;
  • setting a shared organisational model to join up the Italian and Slovenian approaches to hospital and territory management to create a unified cooperation framework and procedure;
  • updating current maxi emergency protocols;
  • training the cross-border personnel involved  - residential courses and a mock-up event.

The expected outcome is aligning the preparedness of all the healthcare professionals involved through shared signed protocols and unified operational tools (training course and mock-up situations).

Thus, the project outputs are signed protocols and homogeneous courses for healthcare professionals.

That is possible only through a cross-border integrated approach, reached by defining common medical and logistical maxi emergency requirements and leading to adaptive measures within the local institutions involved.


Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina
Azienda ULSS 3 Serenissima
Splošna bolnišnica Izola – Ospedale Generale Isola
Zdravstveni dom Sežana
Zdravstveni dom Izola
Associated Partners
Zdravstveni dom Koper
Università degli Studi di Trieste – Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e della Salute
Croce Rossa Italiana – Comitato di Trieste

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