As part of the communication activities for the Bee2gether project, co-financed under the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme, the first Beekeeping Bulletin dedicated to issues related to the world of bees, beekeeping, and the progress of the project itself has been published. This bulletin is aimed at both industry experts and the general public.
Bee2gether focuses on the placement of electronic hives that can exchange and transmit data online about hive activity and the implementation of an ICT communication system (based on an app) for data collection and analysis. These are two innovative tools that could be widely adopted by beekeepers in the future for the monitoring and management of apiaries and by those involved in environmental protection, biodiversity assessment, and planning, to deepen the understanding of the region's ecological dynamics. The data collected from the hives will also be managed and used at a cross-border level to define large-scale sustainable agro-environmental management models. A total of 22 electronic hives have been put into operation through this project, of which 15 are in Italy (9 in Veneto and 6 in Friuli Venezia Giulia) and 7 in Slovenia. In addition to domestic bees, the project will also include a research component focused on wild bees through the analysis of pollen collected by these insects.
In this issue, you will find articles on:
- Beekeeping Technology: how to improve the health of bee colonies with electronic hives and the Bee2gether Web App, by Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico (article in ITA or SLO).
- Beekeeping in Slovenia: exclusive breeding of the Carniolan bee, two types of hives, and their placement in different foraging areas, by Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije KIS (Agricultural Institute of Slovenia), (article in ITA or SLO).
- Solitary Bees: pollination that ensures biodiversity and helps monitor environmental quality. Nesting boxes with hollow reed stems created for the project, by Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (National Institute of Biology), (article in ITA or SLO).
Read the full newsletter by accessing this link: [Newsletter in ITA e SLO]