A more social Europe


Recapitalization of MerlinCV – to provide inovative experiences of natural and cultural heritage in a cross-border area
Start date
July 2023
End date
June 2025
749.373,20 €
ERDF Budget
599.498,55 €
The project
Project summary

Policy objective: PO4 - A more social and inclusive Europe implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights

Specific objective: SO 4.6 - enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation

Typology: capitalization project


The cross-border project RecapMCV will contribute to the visibility of the cross-border tourism region by valorising, upgrading and promoting the digital products and their impacts, developed in the MerlinCV project, which are based on the valorisation of the untapped potentials of cultural and natural heritage and gastronomy.


The project aims to:

  • the digitisation of innovative cultural heritage, supporting innovative, integrated, thematic and sustainable tourism products in the Slovenian-Italian cross-border area;
  • a scientifically and professionally supported use of the untapped heritage of castles and villas and the heritage of the Patriarchate of Aquilea for innovative digital products for tourism;
  • offer European relevant solutions towards the development of innovative and sustainable thematic tourism; to this end, activities will be organised in the field of dissemination and upgrading of digital products, as well as the involvement and promotion of products to new target groups (vulnerable groups, disabled, creative and cultural industries, social entrepreneurship) and also the training/awareness raising of relevant stakeholders;
  • promote studies or transfers of good practices, in the context of transferring and upgrading practices for the promotion of the project results to the wider public. On this basis, the re-use and promotion of several pilot projects will be developed: individualised itineraries, innovative presentation of cultural and natural heritage, digital products, thematic cycling itineraries and stories in tourism.

A strategic plan for digitisation of cultural and natural heritage, based on best practices in multi-sensory heritage presentation and management of archaeological sites, will be presented and adapted to key target groups such as vulnerable groups, SMEs, social enterprises and their employees and potential start-ups related to the use of cultural and natural heritage and/or sustainable tourism, cultural and creative industries, regional, national and international decision-makers and chambers of commerce, incubators, public and private bodies working in the field of cultural heritage (including NGOs), educational and cultural institutions and the local population. A strategy and an action plan will be drawn up, including a valorisation of the situation, opportunities and potential risks, guidelines for presentations to vulnerable groups, and adaptation of the content and methods of presentation to new generations of tourist consumers.


ZRS - Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper
Občina Tolmin
Venetian Cluster srl
INFORMEST – Centro di Servizi e Documentazione per la Cooperazione Economica Internazionale

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