A greener Europe


Investigating the Sea: Stimulating better protection and management of the Upper Adriatic Sea through biodiversity monitoring based on environmental DNA (eDNA), with the involvement of the public
Start date
April 2024
End date
April 2026
797.434,60 €
ERDF Budget
637.947,67 €
The project
Project summary

Policy objective: PO 2 - A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation and risk prevention and management

Specific objective: SO 7 - Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity, and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution

Typology: Standard project


Short description of the project: SeaInsights will achieve this by: (1) developing and implementing a joint pilot action to comprehensively assess marine biodiversity, including the detection of invasive species using environmental DNA (eDNA); (2) harmonizing and enhancing monitoring approaches and databases for bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus); (3) creating genetic markers for genotyping-bysequencing of bottlenose dolphins; (4) testing innovative tools for collecting eDNA samples for individual recognition of marine mammals through eDNA analysis; (5) conducting a coordinated pilot study on the cultural ecosystem services provided by marine and coastal ecosystems; (6) engaging relevant stakeholders to develop practical guidelines for future transboundary collaboration in marine mammals and marine biodiversity conservation and monitoring, an integral part of Northern Adriatic management; and (7) raising awareness and promoting sustainable practices in line with the local communities' values. The Northern Adriatic's unique biogeographical characteristics and extensive human activity make it highly vulnerable to various environmental and ecological challenges, underscoring the importance of transboundary collaboration in addressing these issues. SeaInsights brings together researchers, experts, and conservationists from both countries to offer comprehensive solutions to specific challenges and ensure the direct transfer of knowledge from academia to practical implementation. SeaInsights' solutions are also transferable and enduring, contributing to the goals of the EU's Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 as an integral part of the European Green Deal.

  • The purpose of SeaInsights is to enhance the capacity for conserving the delicate biodiversity of the Northern Adriatic, a region known for its rich and diverse ecosystem that faces threats from climate change, overexploitation, and pollution.
  • Assessment of the biodiversity of the Northern Adriatic through harmonized sampling methods and standardized marine eDNA analysis. 
  • Harmonization of marine mammals monitoring in the Northern Adriatic. 
  • Innovative tool for eDNA sample collection for individual genotyping of marine mammals. 
  • Markers for genotyping by sequencing of the bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates). 
  • DNA analysis from exhalation samples collected by drones. 
  • Cultural ecosystem services of key species and coastal/marine ecosystems and ethical matrix of requirements and interests of key stakeholders.
  • Transboundary cooperation in monitoring of marine biodiversity and marine mammal populations.
  • Tools for communication and environmental education.


Univerza v Ljubljani
Università degli Studi di Padova
Morigenos - slovensko društvo za morske sesalce
APS Dolphin Biology and Conservation
DivjaLabs, razvoj in raziskave, d.o.o.
Shoreline Società Cooperativa
Associated Partners
Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave - ZRSVN-IRSNC NG
Javni zavod Krajinski park Strunjan
Krajinski park Debeli rtič
Javni zavod za spodbujanje podjetništva in razvojne projekte občine Izola
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

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