A more social Europe


Local products and tourism in the Karst region
Start date
August 2023
End date
July 2025
599.999,99 €
ERDF Budget
479.999,97 €
The project
Project summary

Policy objective: PO4 - A more social and inclusive Europe implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights

Specific objective: SO 6 - enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation

Typology: Capitalization project

The Karst is a cross-border geographical area with similar characteristics and a rich cultural and natural heritage. The area faces difficulties such as the decline in the production of local products, which are crucial for the development of sustainable tourism. Abandonment of production is undoubtedly linked to the poor cross-border connection of local actors, too slow adaptation to market trends, and daily migration (especially of young people) to cities outside the region for better earnings. The aim of the AGROTUR+ project is to promote activities for the development of agricultural and tourist activities in the cross-border Karst area. In this way, we aim to encourage traditional land use, work towards the protection of the Karst heritage, the preservation of the population and the reduction of daily migration.

  • The aim of the AGROTUR+ project is to promote activities for the development of agricultural and tourist activities in the cross-border Karst area.
  • Encourage traditional land use, work towards the protection of the Karst heritage, the preservation of the population and the reduction of daily migration.
  • With the involvement of local people and vulnerable groups, we will capitalize on the results of project Agrotur II in cross-border workshops, Teran Academy, summer schools, tastings and science evenings.
  • Ensuring knowledge transfer and implementation of good practices in the production of traditional Karst products (wine, kraški brinjevec – juniper brandy, cider and ham “kraški pršut”).
  • As part of Karst tourism products, updating the digital map of the Karst wine route along with accommodation considering accessibility for disadvantaged people (with reduced mobility) and create a digital museum of Teran wine in the Štanjel castle, where is  already built a wine shop within the Agrotur II project.
  • Continue the successful cross-border cooperation of regional development and scientific institutions, with the involvement of local people, to improve the quality and visibility of local products and improve the tourist offer of the Karst region.

The main project outputs will be available soon.


Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije
Università degli Studi di Trieste
Univerza v Novi Gorici
Cescot Veneto Centro Sviluppo Commercio
ORA Območna razvojna agencija Krasa in Brkinov doo
GAL Carso - LAS Kras
Associated Partners
Združenje Konzorcij kraških pridelovalcev terana
Občina Komen
Kmetija Pečar
Associazione dei viticoltori del Carso

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Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije

Hacquetova 17 - 1000 Ljubljana
Klemen Lisjak
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