A greener Europe


Strengthening an innovative cross-border system for the improvement of biodiversity through bee monitoring
Start date
September 2023
End date
August 2025
722.203,13 €
ERDF Budget
577.762,50 €
The project
Project summary

Policy objective: PO 2 - A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation and risk prevention and management

Specific objective: SO 7 - Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity, and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution

Typology: Capitalization project

BEE2GETHER capitalizes on key outputs of the ITA-SLO 14-20 BEE-DIVERSITY project in order to strengthen them, make them known to a wider audience, and disseminate them to a wider area. Building on past experiences, the project further develops the innovative management model based on bee monitoring from which the most suitable and environmentally, economically and socially sustainable agricultural cultivation techniques are identified. Through the collection of timely data on the health of bees and the possible presence of heavy metals and other pollutants in pollen, PP provides a characterization of the target area, i.e., identifies the potential problems present and, consequently, identifies management strategies that limit or diminish threats to biodiversity conservation. This management model is based on the use of electronic beehives and an ICT system (APP).

  • Main output of the project, which is the cross-border action plan for sustainable agriculture, incorporated into regional and national policies.
  • Developent and innovative management model based on bee monitoring from which the most suitable and environmentally, economically and socially sustainable agricultural cultivation techniques are identified.
  • Through the collection of timely data on the health of bees and the possible presence of heavy metals and other pollutants in pollen, PP provides a characterization of the target area, i.e., identifies the potential problems present and, consequently, identifies management strategies that limit or diminish threats to biodiversity conservation.
  • This management model is based on the use of electronic beehives and an ICT system (APP). These are 2 innovative tools that can be used by the beekeepers not only to optimize and standardize apiary management, but more importantly, to carry out widespread collection of useful data (through the hives) which, through the APP can be managed and used across borders to define large-scale sustainable environmental management models.
  • The project organizes, in ITA and SLO and also jointly, cycles of seminars aimed at practitioners on innovation in beekeeping, best practices and biodiversity, but also at educational institutions with involvement actions based on the installation of educational apiaries and wild apoid houses.

BEE2GETHER capitalizes on key outputs of the ITA-SLO 14-20 BEE-DIVERSITY project in order to strengthen them, make them known to a wider audience, and disseminate them to a wider area.


Agenzia Veneta per l'innovazione nel settore primario - Veneto Agricoltura
Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico Andrea Galvani scpa
Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo
Regijska razvojna agencija ROD
Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije
Associated Partners
Osnovna šola Dobravlje
Šolski center Nova Gorica, Biotehniška
Kmečka zveza – Associazione Agricoltori
UNAGA – Unione Nazionale Giornalisti di Agricoltura Alimentazione e Ambiente

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Agenzia Veneta per l'innovazione nel settore primario - Veneto Agricoltura

Viale dell'Università 14 35020 Legnaro
Alessandra D'Orazio
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