You are kindly invited to the event SIGNING OF THE COMMUNITY PACT FOR THE “ELDERLY PERSON FRIENDLY COMMUNITY” NETWORK OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SACILE. The event will be held on Monday December 16 th at 3.00 pm in the Sala del Ballatoio of Palazzo Ragazzoni in Viale Pietro Zancanaro, 2 Sacile


15.00 Institutional greetings:
- Comune di Sacile
- Servizio Sociale Livenza Cansiglio Cavallo
- Distretto Livenza AsFO
- Residenza Protetta Sacile
- Cooperativa Itaca

15.45 Presentation of the path undertaken together with the Associations

16.00 Signing of the Pact

Please kindly confirm your participation at the e-mail address: 

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