Date: May 28, 2024
Location: Beletrina Academic Press, Neuberger Street 30, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The first meeting of the DATIS project partners took place on May 28, 2024, at the headquarters of the lead partner, Beletrina, in Ljubljana.
The meeting was aimed at establishing initial coordination, allowing partners to get to know each other, presenting project goals, and reviewing planned activities.
Meeting Key Points:
1. Beletrina, Institute for Publishing, Lead Partner (Slovenia)
- Organized and led the introductory "Kick-off" meeting;
- Presented the overall project plan, main objectives, and expected outcomes;
- Established regular communication processes with partners and selected subcontractors (promotion, accessibility, and strategic consulting);
- Assigned tasks to Beletrina's team members, including the coordinator, designer, technical assistant, and promotion officer,
and set up regular individual meetings to ensure alignment in project implementation.
- Beletrina’s subcontractor Euroservis presented the entire project reporting process and other technical requirements associated with the Interreg Slovenia-Italy Programme.
2. Slovenian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted (ZDSSS, Slovenia)
- Introduced its general operations as the largest national disability organization in Slovenia;
- Presented its role in the project, especially in conducting a survey on the travel habits and challenges of people with disabilities, particularly members with visual impairments.
- Discussed its contribution to the pilot analysis of digital accessibility of the Industrial Heritage Museum in Ajdovščina;
- Emphasized support for adapting digital content accessibility for blind and visually impaired users.
3. Public Institute for Tourism Nova Gorica and Vipava Valley (Slovenia)
- Presented the role of the Public Institute in cross-border tourism activities between Italy and Slovenia;
- Shared its previous activities on accessibility in tourism and contributions to the development of accessible offerings;
- Outlined its role in the project: curating a list of websites and social media channels for 50 Slovenian tourism providers from the Slovenian program area;
- Discussed plans for contributions to the promotion and training of tourism providers in 2025.
4. PromoTurismo FVG (Italy)
- Presented PromoTurismo FVG’s tourism-related activities in the cross-border area between Italy and Slovenia;
- Shared previous experiences with tourism accessibility and accessible tourism offerings;
- Outlined its role in the project: curating a list of websites and social media channels for 50 Italian tourism providers from the Italian program area;
- Presented its plans for contributing to the development and implementation of the promotional and training plans for tourism providers in 2025, as well as promoting the project through events, media conferences, etc.;
- Discussed collaboration strategies with Italian tourism providers regarding accessibility, with a focus on both digital and, for some providers, physical accessibility.
5. La Mosaico Cooperativa Sociale ETS (Italy)
- Presented its work in social inclusion of its members, particularly people with cognitive impairments and developmental disabilities;
- Provided insights on methods for involving people with various disabilities in the project, with a focus on Italy;
- Outlined its role in the project: conducting research on travel habits and challenges for people with disabilities, especially its members with cognitive and developmental challenges;
- Contributed to the pilot analysis of the digital accessibility of the World War I Museum San Michele in Sagrado.
6. University of Trieste: Department of Political and Social Sciences (Italy)
- Presented its work in the field of social sciences, especially previous activities and expert contributions to social inclusion of vulnerable groups in different areas of life in Italy;
- Outlined its plan for developing a Strategy for Accessible Tourism in the cross-border area of Italy and Slovenia, including methodology for conducting surveys, in-depth interviews with members of the associations Mosaico Coop and ZDSSS, and data analysis approaches.
First Partner Meeting Conclusions :
The partners agreed to establish regular communication and coordination, as well as to begin preparing analyses of best practices in accessible tourism. Beletrina confirmed the implementation of 100 analyses of digital accessibility for tourism providers and the provision of training and support for partners. The preparation of a methodology for evaluating digital accessibility of tourism providers' channels was completed. PromoTurismo FVG, Beletrina, and the Public Institute for Tourism Nova Gorica and Vipava Valley agreed on selection parameters for 50 Italian and 50 Slovenian tourism providers to be included in the digital accessibility analysis.
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