The two strategic projects Adrioncycletour and Kras/Carso II have jointly organised the training event “PEDALARE NEL FUTURO TRA GEOTURISMO E CICLOTURISMO: VALORIZZAZIONE LOCALE PER UN TURISMO CONSAPEVOLE. PRILOŽNOSTI ZA RAZVOJ KOLESARJENJA NA PODROČJU GEOTURIZMA IN KOLESARSKEGA TURIZMA: LOKALNA PROMOCIJA TRAJNOSTNEGA TURIZMA.” (“Cycling into the future among geotourism and cycletourism: local enhancement for a responsible tourism”), that will take place on Saturday, 19th of October 2024, in Duino Castle.
The event will focus on cycle tourism, geotourism, sustainable tourism and on the enrichment of territories, with guests of great importance, such as: Alberto Conte, slow travel expert, both on foot and by bike, Silvia Livoni, expert in the development of cycling destinations, Peter Eich, expert entrepreneur in cycling tourism and Suzana Fajmut Štrucl, member of the Karawanken-Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark management.
For the entire duration of the conference simultaneous interpreting will be provided in Italian-Slovenian, Slovenian-Italian, German-Italian and German-Slovenian, and at the end there will be a light lunch in Sala Grotta in Duino Castle.
The event and lunch are free, but seats are limited.
Registration is mandatory through the dedicated form active until October 14th(up availability). To request the registration form or in case of any questions you can send an email to
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