A more social Europe

Primis Plus

Multicultural stories: a sensorial journey through local minorities’ point of view
Start date
September 2023
End date
August 2025
749.837,12 €
ERDF Budget
599.869,68 €
The project
Project summary

Policy objective: PO4 - A more social and inclusive Europe implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights

Specific objective: SO 6 - enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation

Typology: capitalization project

The common challenge of the PA after the pandemic is to develop sustainable tourism, both socially, but also culturally and environmentally. After the pandemic experience, tourism has to become more ethical and directed towards smaller/lesser-known destinations, where local communities can also benefit from the income generated.


The project aims to:

  • strengthen the role of the culture of national and linguistic communities in the PA by capitalising the PRIMIS project such as the network of Multimedia Centres, the use of digitisation and the organisation of cross-border cultural activities;
  • set up two new MCs, one dedicated to the Friulian language community and one dedicated to the PA communities in Ljubljana;
  • prepare, for the first time, a joint tourism development strategy on the basis of what has been done in the last 15 years by the various projects dedicated to language communities, in order to be able to integrate regional and national cultural tourism policies effectively;
  • establish a cross-border cooperation and an approach that envisages the strengthening of infra-sectoral relations between the representative institutions of the national and linguistic communities (the Italian Union, ATS Projekt and the Friulian Philological Society), the regions (the RAFVG and the RVEN) and the INV, a sociological research institute, in order to create a shared system for the joint cross-border tourist promotion of the material and intangible heritage of the national and linguistic communities.

PRIMIS PLUS intends, through the development outputs such as a joint tourism promotion strategy and three cross-border events, to promote an integrated and sustainable offer, focusing on tangible and intangible cultural heritage as the main project output.


Ass. degli appartenenti alla Comunità Nazionale Italiana/Društvo pripadnikov it. narodne skupnosti
Associazione temporanea di scopo PROJEKT
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
Regione del Veneto
Società Filologica Friulana “Graziadio Isaia Ascoli”
Associated Partners
Venicepromex – Agenzia per l’internazionalizzazione del sistema camerale veneto S.c.a.r.l.
Slovenska turistična organizacija

News and Events


Ass. degli appartenenti alla Comunità Nazionale Italiana/Društvo pripadnikov it. narodne skupnosti

Via Župančič / Župančičeva ulica 39 6000 KOPER-CAPODISTRIA
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