The Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme aims at:
"enhancing cross-border cooperation for improving the quality of life of population, preserving and promoting cultural and natural heritage and enhancing the climate neutrality of the Programme area through sustainable, innovative and inclusive growth."
On this website you can find all information on the Programme implementation and on new funding opportunities.

Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Barriers and Solutions for Cross-Border Waste Transport: Conference in Nova Gorica
Circular Rainbow at AAQUAFARM 2025: Innovation and Sustainability for Cross-Border Trout Farming
Presentation of the Feasibility Study for the Tourist Development of Sabotino
ECO2SMART workshop as part of the AquaFarm Pordenone fair
Data acquisition at the Vipava test site
SOCIAL MEDIA VIDEO CONTEST: Interrail tickets for young people aged 18 to 35!
Click&Com(e): opening of the online communication helpdesk!
Youth at the Interreg GO! conference
Published Notice of selection for participation in the “Interreg One-Day Market” in Gorizia 2025
The Walk of Peace received a renowned international award
A call for young artists is now open!
Do you have an idea for a project you would like to present under the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 Programme and would like to share it in order to find a project partner or propose yourself as a partner? If you do, please register on the "INTERREG ITALY-SLOVENIA Partner Search" platform by describing your project idea or simply presenting your reality so that other potential partners can find you.

Fill out the form with all your data, which will be part of a database that will be published periodically on this site and available for everyone to consult!
In order to support you with the processing of the form, we recommend to consult the following online platforms:, a single source of relevant information on all programmes, projects and beneficiaries of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation within the European Union and between EU member states and neighboring Countries.
Kohesio, the new platform presented by the European Commission to learn about and analyze data, displayed in Open Data format, from more than 1.5 million projects funded in Europe by cohesion policy